Virtually all subprojects within FONDA develop techniques which create, read, update or delete (parts of) a DAW specification in one way or another. Such operations on DAWs can only be specified precisely and implemented effectively if a conceptual representation of DAW specifications is available. The goal of this team T1 is to develop a common object model of fundamental conceptual DAW entities, their basic properties, and their static and dynamic interrelations, with a focus on the advanced language properties developed in FONDA’s research projects in area A. This object model will be the basis of individual developments in research projects A2, A3, A4, A6, B1, as well as B2 and will serve as an abstraction of concrete DAW specifications, as an interface between FONDA’s research areas A and B, and as a sound basis for defining notions like DAW evolution and DAW similarity. We will instantiate our object model by providing reference implementations for a set of DAW specification languages used by the CRC’s subprojects. Team T1 accordingly addresses DAW modification and specification; its primary goal to improve portability of DAW specifications.
- A2 and B1 on hardware-focused data access patterns and additional hardware information within DAW)
- A3 on multi-choice DAWs and variability
- B2 on management of evolving DAWs and DAW families
- T3 on DAW language model and validity constraints
- T4 on visualizations of DAW executions connected to instances of the DAW language model
- T5 on evolution DAW benchmarks
Related Publications
A Consolidated View on Specification Languages for Data Analysis Workflows Proceedings Article
In: Margaria, Tiziana; Steffen, Bernhard (Ed.): Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation. Software Engineering, pp. 201–215, Springer Nature Switzerland, Cham, 2022, ISBN: 978-3-031-19756-7.