09-10.11.2023 FONDA Retreat
Seepark Hotel am Wandlitzsee27.06.2023 Mercator: Dynamic Distributed Physical Design for Database Systems
Prof. Khuzaima Daudjee (University of Waterloo)
13.06.2023 FONDA IRTG
05-06.06.2023 FONDA Retreat
- Keynote: Correctness-by-Construction – How Can We Build Better Software?, Prof. Ina Schaefer (Karlsruher Institut für Technologie)
- Short Talk: ChatGPT und Worfklows, Prof. Thomas Kosch (HUB)
15.05.2023 Nano Course: Mental Health Awareness and Management: Engineering Academic Well-Being
12-14.12.2022 FONDA Retreat + IRTG
Ringhotel Schorfheide
For information about the time plan, and the poster formats for the IRTG sessions follow this link: https://wikis.hu-berlin.de/fonda/FONDA_Retreat_12_2022
28.11.2022 Invited Presentations
- Jonathan Donges, Whole Earth System Analysis, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
- Susanne Schreiber, Computational Neurophysiology at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
- Matthias Böhm, Large-scale Data Engineering at Technische Universität Berlin
05.01.2023 – 15.02.2023 Lecture Series Winter 22/23
- Workflows in material science
- Vojtech Cima, IT4Innovations – National Supercomputing Center and Carl Witt, KNIME AG: Scheduling
- Andreas Zeller, CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security & Norman Peitek, Saarland University: Software Engineering for Science and Science for Software Engineering
01.11. & 29.11.2022 Nano course: Storytelling for Scientific Papers
01.11.2022 The Challenges of Theory-Software Translation (Caroline Jay)
26.09.2022 Interdisciplinary Workshop on Workflows for Large-Scale Remote Sensing
Data Analyses
30.09.2022 Nano Course: Genderbias and genderawareness for Wimis
15.09.2022 Nano Course: Advanced Statistic
26.08.2022 Nano Course: Reproducibility
25.08.2022 Nano Course: Linear Programming/Mathematical optimization
27.06.2022 FONDA IRTG
19.05.2022 Nano Course: Statistics I
12.05.2022 Invited Presentations
- Tilmann Hickel, Materialinformatik, Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung
- Fatma Deniz, Computational Neuroscience, TU Berlin and UC Berkeley
- Jan Mendling, Process Science, HU Berlin
09.05.2022 Invited Presentations
- Dieter Beule, Translational Bioinformatics, Berlin Institute of Health
- James Anderson/ Barbara Sturm, Resaerch Data Management, Leibnitz Institut für Agrartechnik und Biotechnologie, Potsdam
05.05.2022 – 21.07.2022 Lecture Series Summer 22
- Avigdor Gal, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology: Loch Data and Other Monsters: on Creating Data Ecosystems, the Intelligent Way
- Ezio Bartocci, TU Wien: Rigorous Systems Engineering of Cyber-Physical Systems
- Ovidiu-Cristian Marcu, University of Luxembourg: Bridging Clouds and Supercomputers
- Uta Störl, FernUniversität in Hagen: NoSQL Schema Evolution Management and Big Data Migration
- Boris Glavic, Illinois Institute of Technology: Provenance-based Data Skipping
- Mitchell Olsthoorn, Delft University: On the challenges of automated test case generation and how to overcome them
- Juliane Verwiebe and Philipp Grulich, TU Berlin: Efficient window aggregation in modern stream processing systems
- Hendrik M. Würz, Fraunhofer-Institut für Graphische Datenverarbeitung IGD: Dynamic Workflow Execution in the Cloud using Steep
- Kaustubh Beedkar, TU Berlin: Compliance-aware Query Processing for Geo-distributed Data
See our wikipage for further information.
09-10.06.2022 FONDA Retreat
03.05.2022 Nano Course: Storytelling for Data Scientists
02.12.2021 – 03.03.2022 Lecture Series Winter 21/22
- Alexandra Meliou, DREAM lab: Understandability and Trust in Data Systems
- Maciej Malawski, Sano Centre for Computational Medicine and Institute of Computer Science AGH: Serverless Execution of Scientific Workflows
- Sascha Hunold, TU Wien: Reproducible HPC Experiments: Myth or Reality?
- Stefan Saalfeld, HHMI’s Janelia Research Campus: Automatic methods to reconstruct 3D Electron Microscopy for Connectomics and Cell Biology
- Timothy Menzies, NC State University: The Bleeding Edge (the next 10 years of SE analytics)
- Justyna Petke, Department of Computer Science – University College London: A survey of Genetic Improvement
- Dieter Weber, Forschungszentrum Jülich: IT systems for electron microscopy
- Pedram Ghamisi, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, AI4RS group at the Institute of Advanced Research in Artificial Intelligence (IARAI): Lack of Labeled Data in Earth Observation: Stepping toward Weak Supervision
- Michael Crusoe, Common Workflow Language project, VU Amsterdam Computer Systems & Bioinformatics, FAIR Service Architecture in ELIXIR-NL DTL Projects, University of Tübingen Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences: Common Workflow Language
- Manish Parashar, Scientific Computing and Imaging (SCI) Institute, School of Computing at the University of Utah: Big Data and Extreme-Scales: Computational Science in the 21st Century
See our wikipage for further information.
23.09.2021 Nano Course: Advanced Python
The first to be held in presence, including the 2nd evaluation workshop of FONDA’s RTG.
All PhD students report on their progress and plans.
Our summer guest lecture series starts with a presentation by Wilhelm Hasselbring on Software Engineering for Computational Science: Tests, Modules, Domain-Specific Languages, Flows.
Our first regular retreat – sadly still online. Two more Mercator fellows give keynotes:
- Marta Matosso: Interpreting results from data analysis workflows: how provenance may help
- Pierre Defourny: Monitoring in near real time the covid crisis impact on food production by satellite observation: from case studies to current workflow challenges
Six weeks packed with hands-on courses and tutorials
- Ulf Leser: Foundations of Data Analysis Workflows
- Kerstin Helbig: Research Data Management
- Paolo di Tommaso, Evan Floden: Workshop on Nextflow: Using, administrating, and creating pipelines
- Melanie Herschel: A survey on provenance
- Sören Becker: A Short Introduction to the FONDA Reference Stack
- Pedro Silva, Tilmann Rabl: Foundations of Stream processing / Flink
- Lars Grunske and Stephan Druskat: Software Carpentry- Software Engineering Principles for Scientific Software
- Johannes Köster: Snakemake
- Hans-Peter Eckle: Good Scientific Practize
FONDA’s teams start their activities. Looking forward to interesting results:
- Team T1: Foundations for DAW Specifications (speaker: Lars Grunske)
- Team T2: Provenance Management for DAWs (speaker; Matthias Weidlich)
- Team T3: Validity Constraints for DAWs (speaker: Ulf Leser)
- Team T4: Visual Monitoring of DAWs (speaker: Odej Kao)
- Team T5: DAW Benchmarking (speaker: Tilmann Rabl
16+17.11.2020 KICK-OFF
FONDA’s kick-off workshop – the first all-FONDA meeting. Sadly we have to go online. Pictures can be found in the WiKi. Very interesting keynotes from two of our Mercator fellows:
- Boris Glavic: Provenance and Uncertainty Management in Data Curation and Analysis Workflows
- Caroline Jay: Designing an API is a Human-Computer Interaction Problem
We start our first lecture series. Every PI of FONDA will present his or her research area.
26.10.2020 SAB MEETING
FONDA presents its plans and the current status with the members of our Scientific Advisory Board. Very interesting discussions.