Research Area A: DAW Specification
This research area explores DAW specification and validation at the logical level, including how logical DAWs are translated into physical plans by a DAW engine.
Phase I Project Pages
- A1: Foundations of Data Analysis Workflow Validation
- A2: Adapting Genomic Data Analysis Workflows for Different Data Access Patterns
- A3: Deriving Trust Levels for Multi-Choice Data Analysis Workflows
- A5: Dependability, Adaptability and Uncertainty Quantification for Data Analysis Workflows in Large-Scale Biomedical Image Analysis
- A6: Data Analysis Workflows for Interactive Scientific Exploration
Phase II Project Pages
- A1: Query-driven Validation of Distributed DAWs
- A2: Energy-Aware Optimization of Workflows in Bioinformatics
- A3: Hardening Computational Materials-Science Workflows against Human Errors
- A5: Workflows for Annotation-Efficient Machine Learning in Biomedical Imaging Research
- A7: Semantic Composition and Validation of Interacting DAWs in Computational Materials Science
Research Area B: DAW Execution
Researchers in this area study the computational infrastructures underlying DAW engines. This includes interactions between DAW execution engines, schedulers, resource managers, and the configuration of the underlying networks, especially as it pertains to multi-site execution.
Phase I Project Pages
- B1: Scheduling and Adaptive Execution of Data Analysis Workflows across Heterogeneous Infrastructures
- B2: Portable and Adaptive Data Analysis Workflows for Real-Time 3D Vision
- B3: Debugging Distributed Data Analysis Workflows
- B4: Exploiting Software-Defined Networks for Efficient Data Management in Next-Generation Data Analysis Workflows
- B5: Adaptive, Distributed and Scalable Analysis of Massive Satellite Data
- B6: Distributed Run-Time Monitoring and Control of Data Analysis Workflows
Phase II Project Pages
- B1: Carbon-aware Multi-site Workflow Scheduling Under Uncertainty
- B4: Proactive Network, I/O, and Storage Steering for Multiple DAWs on Shared Infrastructures
- B5: Transparent Multi-Site Data Analysis Workflows for Earth Observation
- B6: End-to-end Energy Profiles of ML-based Data Analysis Workflows
- B7: Efficient DAW Execution Using Incremental Data for Monitoring Forest Disturbances
Research Area C: DAW Design
New in Phase II of FONDA, this research area focuses on the conceptualization of DAWs from a user perspective.
- C1: Collaborative Design of Exploratory DAWs in Neuroscience
- C2: Early Workflow Design: From Collaborative Scientific Problem-Solving to DAW Specifications
- C3: User Centered Design for Data Analysis Workflow Languages
Area S: Central Service and Administration Projects
This area comprises service and administrative projects which support the three research areas by providing resources and training.
FONDA uses the concept of Teams to organize cross-cutting research interests.