Research Areas and Subprojects

Research Area A: DAW Specification

This research area explores DAW specification and validation at the logical level, including how logical DAWs are translated into physical plans by a DAW engine.

Phase I Project Pages

Research Area B: DAW Execution

Researchers in this area study the computational infrastructures underlying DAW engines. This includes interactions between DAW execution engines, schedulers, resource managers, and the configuration of the underlying networks, especially as it pertains to multi-site execution.

Phase II Project Pages

Research Area C: DAW Design

New in Phase II of FONDA, this research area focuses on the conceptualization of DAWs from a user perspective.

Area S: Central Service and Administration Projects

This area comprises service and administrative projects which support the three research areas by providing resources and training.


FONDA uses the concept of Teams to organize cross-cutting research interests.

Phase I Teams